Coca-Cola is investing £2m in a campaign to support its new Diet Coke Plus variants in the UK.

Diet Coke Plus Vitamins and Diet Coke Plus Antioxidants, which are aimed primarily at women, are already available in the US and Belgium and will hit UK shelves next month.

The spend will include sponsorship of TV programmes, along with press and digital advertising - all planned for the autumn.

The campaign is likely to build on the existing popularity of Diet Coke's 'Break' adverts, although further details are to be finalised.

"Consumers are looking for ways to be healthy more often, but the reality is our hectic lifestyles prevent this," said Anita Huntley, head of marketing at Coca-Cola Enterprises. "Diet Coke Plus will give female Diet Coke drinkers the functional benefits they want, from a brand they trust."

Coca-Cola has focused its NPD for Coke and its other brands on meeting consumer demand for healthier products.

Last year it launched no- added-sugar Coke Zero, backed by a £10m marketing spend, and it has also invested in new 'wellness' juices for Minute Maid, including Minute Maid Summer Fruits launched here last month.

The company has also trademarked three potential names, Kahe, Truvia and Tevai, rumoured to be for a non-carbonated coffee-flavoured soft drink, set to hit shelves at the end of next year.

The moves come as the soft drinks sector shifts its attention away from carbonated products to healthier options with added benefits.

According to the Britvic Soft Drinks Report 2007, almost two in three people have changed to healthier drink options.

Diet Coke Plus will come in 350ml bottles, priced in line with the 500ml bottle of Diet Coke, and 4x350ml multipacks, rsp £2.49.