Britvic Soft Drinks is putting £1.2m behind squash brand Robinsons' autumn tie up with the new Disney animated film Dinosaur. An on pack promotion will run from September 18 on Robinsons Original, Special R and Fruit & Barley. For two bottle caps plus £4.99 kids can get a sound effect hand puppet of the main characters Aladar and Suri. The promotion will be supported by ads on TV, in kids' magazines and with free postcards in cinemas. Robinsons expects the promotion to benefit from the weight of Disney PR and advertising support for the film which is released in the UK on October 13. Britvic said that themed point of sale material, showing characters from the film, would be available to the multiples as well as impulse outlets. This is the latest in a series of Robinsons links with Disney films. The company said that sales increased by 13% over a two week period for its Toy Story 2 activity. {{P&P }}