Imports increase
Speciality cheese imports to the UK rose by 5% in August.
This reverses the trend seen earlier this year when imports were declining for the first time in several years.
In August there was a 13% rise in imports of fresh cheeses and a 6% increase in processed cheeses.
Denmark is already the second biggest source of speciality cheese imports, with growth of 10% this year.
France, however, remains the largest supplier to the UK and, with growth of 7%, has taken a 23% share of imports this year.
In August, UK cheddar imports also grew by 4% but are still 15% down compared with 2001.
UK cheese exports had one of their best months for several years in August, rising by nearly two thirds to 7,900 tonnes.

Demand gets fresh
Supply problems are causing headaches for Spanish Mandarin Orange canners.
An upsurge in demand from the fresh market means a potential 20% shortfall in raw material supplies.
Last week, canners were confident of getting fruit as close to last year's price of 14 ptas( E0.08) but this has increased to 20 ptas (E0.1).
Offers for the new season were hastily withdrawn, leaving UK importers unable to finalise contracts, and when prices are re-offered, they are likely to be at least 10% above last season with the possibility of shortened shipping periods.

Israeli push
Israel is making a determined effort to recapture its lost share of the grapefruit market.
Over the last few seasons, Turkey has dominated as Israel has faced serious labour problems.
Introduction of semi automatic processing is being tried this year, so with an abundance of raw material, there is every possibility that Israeli packers will re-gain at least part of this year's market share. Prices demanded by Turkish packers are 10% higher than last season but with the latest move by Israel to regain its share, that may not be attainable.

Basic packs
Back to basics egg packaging is being launched by Dutch packaging company Huhtamaki. The ECOM traypack is a cost-effective solution for egg packers, says the company, and the packs' stackability means they takes up less shelf space in store. The company claims the packs will appeal to consumers' environmental concerns.

