Alaskan gloom
One of Alaska's largest salmon canning companies is to cease trading after sustaining massive losses, according to sources in Seattle.
A statement by the Wards Cove Co amounted to an admission the sustainability of salmon canning in Alaska was in doubt due to escalating costs and weaker prices.
UK importers were clearly shocked. "This is a major player in the UK so others must also be vulnerable," said one.
New season forecasts just released by the Alaskan authorities indicate a lower than average red run.

Minimum price
A dairy co-operative has set its minimum milk price for April 2003.
United Milk has told its producers they will receive a milk price of at least the intervention milk price equivalent, which translates into a price of 17.3p a litre. The co-operative's current price is 16.25ppl. Dom Morris,UM's chief executive, said: "Spring milk pricing is paramount with all producers, and we have made this declaration now to allow them to budget and forward plan."

Duty rumour
Rumours of an EU duty concession for Thai and Philippine tuna canners are being discounted by UK importers.
They believe they are part of an ongoing campaign originating in Thailand to persuade Brussels to address the problem of duty rates.
EU packers have opposed any change which they fear might damage their internal trade.
But the US is believed to be backing the Philippines in particular as a support mechanism for the anti-terrorism campaign so the EU may come under pressure.
Two of the large tuna canneries are situated in the south Philippines, where the terrorists are operating.

