Higher price
United Milk has announced a confirmed milk price for April of 18.3 pence per litre for direct suppliers.
This is 0.1ppl higher than the indicative price announced mid-month, the organisation claimed.
It said the price increase was due to better than expected market performances and a continuing favourable euro/sterling exchange rate.

Rising prices
Dairy product prices in the UK are on the rise, due both to market conditions and upward pressures created as the pound loses value against the euro.
The currency shift has seen the intervention price of butter move up over the past month by around £40 per tonne and since January by more than £140 per tonne. Prices for bulk butter have been closely tracking the intervention value and are now more than £2,000 per tonne, and this is putting upward pressure on the prices for packet butter, both domestic and imported.
Skim milk powder prices are also reflecting the rising intervention prices and are up by around £100 per tonne so far this year to levels of over £1,400 per tonne.

Princes expertise
Princes Manufacturing Group has become the first UK company to receive accreditation from the International Olive Oil Council.
The company said the endorsement recognised the expertise of the Princes taste panel in assessing and grading the quality of virgin olive oil and providing the highest level of quality assurance for customers.

Export mini-boom
Imports of cheese into the UK are falling while exports are enjoying a mini-boom, according to latest data.
Cheddar's February imports dropped by 30%, to 3,800 tonnes.
Taken together with January this means that Cheddar imports have fallen in the early months of the year by nearly 4,000 tonnes or around 40% in total.
Imports of speciality cheese have also dropped in the same two month period by 2,500 tonnes or about 8%.
In contrast, exports of cheese from the UK have been enjoying dramatic growth, particularly to other parts of the EU. February shipments more than doubled to 8,700 tonnes.

Devon link up
In a move described as a possible blueprint for other dairy businesses in the future, Devon based farmer co-operative Torridge Vale has joined with ACC Milk, part of the Co-operative Group, to create an unique 50/50 joint venture.
The new company is named after Torridge Vale's brand name Definitely Devon'.
Definitely Devon will used the skills and expertise of each business to promote the brand, backed by a major marketing campaign with strong emphasis on Buy local, support your Devon farmers and benefit from the best quality, freshest milk'. One objective is for the brand to be the preferred choice in the West Country.

