The warm weather has apparently woken up the alcoholic drinks category to the clear onset of summer and it is taking the lead in share of promotional space.
This activity has been headed by Stella Artois, Carlsberg and Budweiser with price promotions on side stacks in Asda and gondola ends in Tesco.
Significantly, own label alcoholic drinks have also made an entry into the own label category chart, indicating that the stores are responding to the sudden category activity. However they still have a long way to go to close on fruit and vegetables which has dominated the category chart for some time now. In fact, own label fruit and vegetables has taken an extra 6% share of promotional space, widening the gap on the other categories.
The top of the retailer chart has changed little, with Tesco again holding the crown.
Sainsbury has snatched the third spot from Safeway which is now in fifth place, between Morrisons and Somerfield.
Cadbury tops the brand chart.