All Eggs articles – Page 50


    Acid Test: Koopmanskloof Sauvignon Blanc


    This white wine boasts a strong, distinctive flavour, with aromas of lemon and gooseberry. Best served with chicken, our panel suggests

  • News

    Loyd Grossman eyes a piece of the action with new pizza offer


    Premier Foods’ Loyd Grossman brand has made its chilled food debut with a new range of pizzas.

    The range launched into Sainsbury’s this week in three flavours: Napoli salami, classic margherita and chicken arrabiata. Each pizza is priced…

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    Turkey giant hails first step towards recovery


    Bernard Matthews has hailed "modest progress" in its turnaround strategy as it unveiled full year results showing a small increase in operating profits.Announcing its results for the year to 28 December 2008, it reported that a £9.6m...


    Critical Eye... on Coke, chickens and cocks


    Having moved to Margate (yes, I am as deluded about the town's prospects as the couple on Hotel Rescue), I finally managed to get the TV working in time to catch two flawed but fascinating programmes that by coincidence neatly illustrated the pros...

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    Cherry Valley wins listing at Tesco stores


    Duck producer Cherry Valley has claimed a major victory in its bid to take a larger share of the retail market by winning a listing in Tesco.Cherry Valley, which was awarded Freedom Food status this month, has started supplying Grade A...

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    My Alternative CV: Matthew Shaw, managing director, Bart Spices


    Matthew Shaw, managing director of Bart Spices, tells a Hallowe'en tale of chicken innards, ear removal and maggoty bugs


    Bernard Matthews takes step toward recovery


    Bernard Matthews has hailed “modest progress” in its turnaround strategy as it unveiled full year results showing a small increase in operating profits.

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    Peter’s targets kids by spicing up slices


    Peter's Foods has set its sights on the younger market with the launch of a new line of slices.The 185g slices, being launched into the Premier range, come in eight flavours including Spicy Chicken Fajita with Discovery seasoning, Ham...

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    Cost-conscious shoppers drive up sales of chicken


    Chicken is experiencing a resurgence as it becomes seen as the protein of choice for cash-strapped shoppers.Sales of chicken have plateaued in recent years, but since the recession began values have shot up 8.5% to £1.9bn and volumes...

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    2 Sisters blasts Unite for ‘bullying’ tactics


    Chicken giant 2 Sisters has accused Unite of "bullying" it in the ongoing worker race row. The union organised demonstrations outside M&S in Birmingham last weekend in protest at the sacking of 54 workers and five union reps who went...

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    Pukka Pies upgrades to family size


    Pukka Pies has launched its first family-size pies with the aim of becoming market leader in the family-size hot pie market.The 700g pies come in chicken and steak varieties (rsp: £3.89) and will be in Asda, Sainsbury's and Tesco from...

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    Moy Park to unveil new brands to boost margins


    Moy Park is planning a major rollout of branded products to spur a new era of growth under Brazilian owner Marfrig.The £779m Northern Irish chicken processor, which supplied 95% of its lines under supermarket own label, was working on a...

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    Walkers gets prepared for Christmas


    Walkers is gearing up for the festive season by launching a trio of new additions to its crisp ranges.The PepsiCo company launched a limited-edition Turkey and Stuffing flavour (rsp: £1.61 per six-pack) under the Walkers brand this week...

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    Morrisons crowned turkey retail champ


    Morrisons has been named British Turkey Retailer of the Year at an awards ceremony hosted by the British Turkey Federation.The supermarket was ­applauded for its wide range of products and cuts, as well as its commitment to supporting...


    Editor's Comment: However fast the industry acts, there's always more red tape ahead


    Brace, brace! Duck for cover! If you thought the furore over traffic lights and sat fats was bad, it will look like the proverbial picnic if the latest intimations on the environment come to pass.

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    Non-organic option in Abel & Cole boxes


    Abel & Cole is offering non-organic meat for the first time to meet demand for a more affordable option.The box scheme operator has added non-organic chicken, pork, beef and lamb to its portfolio.Prices in the new...

  • ASDA

    Police called in after Asda chicken-licking scandal


    Asda has reported a former employee to police after being handed video footage of him licking fresh chickens before replacing packaging and putting them back on the shelves.

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    2 Sisters says suspensions not related to racist abuse


    Chicken supplier 2 Sisters has hit back at "misleading and inaccurate" claims by union Unite over its handling of a worker dispute.Unite claimed 2 Sisters had suspended employees last week for staging a sit-in protest to defend their...

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    Don’t quash the squash, plead chicken producers


    UK chicken producers will be at a serious commercial disadvantage if Defra does not allow controversial new stocking density limits, industry representatives have warned.


    Acid Test: Mattessons Fridge Raiders Mighty Bite


    A chicken lollipop, you say? Who wouldn't like that?