London based wine shipper Ehrmanns is taking a radical approach to brand building. It is putting the focus of its marketing on three key brands in its portfolio with a view to establishing them as a driving force in the wine market. A budget of £250,000 has been earmarked for the development of Infierno from Spain, Jindalee from Australia and the Bright Brothers range. Infierno is being tightly targeted at sophisticated women between 25 and 35 years old with an ad campaign featuring the line Lip Opener'. The posters will run on the London Underground from October until the end of the year. Ehrmanns has also set up a tongue-in-cheek website at and is running sampling exercises in London's main railway stations. This will be expanded to other stations around the country later in the year. Infierno has been listed by Tesco and Safeway this summer. Brand manager Emma Hoten said: "Sales have been very encouraging. This is the best launch we have ever done and until now it has had minimal support." The Jindalee range is more established but has never had marketing support. Hoten said: "It has been building sales and distribution but we want to increase the momentum behind it. "The wines are meant for first timers and the new generation of wine drinkers. The advertising is designed to be irreverent and will move the brand away from the sedate perception of wine." Posters will be going into the London Underground throughout the autumn, as will ads for the Bright Brothers range which includes wines from Argentina, Spain and Portugal. The wines will also be backed by a sampling campaign. {{DRINKS }}