All Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) articles – Page 6
Why ‘menopause is the new vegan’ for GenM founder Heather Jackson
Jackson is on a mission to help brands and retailers not only shed the stigma around menopause products, but put them front and centre
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Four key takeaways from Diversity & Inclusion in Grocery Live 2022
The day of networking, talks and debates celebrated progress in the industry, and shone a light on the hurdles to overcome
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Making diversity a universal business
Diversity and Inclusion in Grocery’s growing network is the driving force behind some of grocery’s most exciting diversity and inclusion brand collaborations. Find out more about how competitors are joining forces for the common good, benefiting individuals and the industry alike.
Aldi to train managers on menopause support for staff
The training will ‘cover an array of aspects, including raising awareness of the menopause and successfully supporting colleagues experiencing it’, according to the discounter
How brands and retailers are battling period poverty
More than 137,700 girls in the UK missed school last year because they couldn’t afford sanitary products
Spreads and cereals brand Rogue enters insolvency after losing Asda listings
Rogue’s founder Asher Flowers said the fmcg industry needed to ‘really level the playing field of what access there is to investment in black-owned business’
Women in Wholesale survey reveals 82% rise in women at board level since 2016
The survey found that 20% of roles at board level were now occupied by women, up from just 11% six years ago
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Startups need more help to support mothers and workplace diversity
For many women in business, being the primary caregiver feels a little like double-edged sword
Sainsbury’s to launch £1m incubator programme for black entrepreneurs
Sainsbury’s will pick nine successful applicants to receive a welcome grant of £20,000 each
Retail sector must ‘double down’ on diversity & inclusion, BRC says
The BRC’s latest ‘Tracking Progress on Diversity and Inclusion in UK Retail’ report showed that the sector “still has a long way to go”
Women in Wholesale launches community for men to ‘become better allies’
A new survey conducted by the group found 90% of FWD members were interested in becoming better male allies
Oja’s Mariam Jimoh on the multicultural gap in grocery
Mariam Jimoh founded Oja in 2018 after growing tired of the lack of Nigerian food in British supermarkets. The delivery platform’s rapid rise since suggests she’s far from alone
The Black Farmer launches limited edition Carnival sausage
The Carnival sausage aims to highlight Windrush Day, Jamaican independence’s 60th anniversary and the return of the Notting Hill Carnival
Two Chicks launches Future Female Entrepreneur scheme to support next generation of talented women
The scheme, which launches on 15 June, will give women with entrepreneurial ambitions the opportunity to spend a day with an established female entrepreneur who has created her own business
Brakes launches LGBTQ+ support network as Pride month begins
The new support network will consist of several ‘support champions’ who will assist employees with issues relating to the LGBTQ+ community
Women in Wholesale launches new coaching academy for talented prospects
Participants will receive support to assess their strengths and examine areas for further development
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Improving diversity in food and drink: the inside track
While companies in the food and drink industry might embrace a competitive spirit, there are some cross-industry issues, such as diversity and inclusion, where joining forces for the common good can benefit individuals and the industry alike.
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Women-built grocery brands need to be championed
As a female founder in this industry, I’ve had to fight my corner every step of the way, says Chika Russell, CEO of Chika’s Snacks
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Gender pay gap: how are UK supermarkets making progress in 2022?
Just one retailer in the UK reports that the median amount earnt by women is equal to that of men
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As female talent rises to the top in grocery, it’s an opportune time for our women’s power list
Would it be too reductive to single out 10 top women? Or should we shine a spotlight on the many powerful female leaders in food and drink, and the progress they represent?