A Spanish cider, which has sparkling and cloudy variants, is heading over to England following its successful debut in Scotland.

Es Sidra, a 5% abv cider produced in Champagne-style bottles, is traditionally used for weddings in its home region of Asturias in northern Spain.

The original variant, which dates back to 1914, is described as a clear and sparkling 'sidra asturiana' while there is also a still cloudy version known as 'sidra natural', that is historically poured from a height.

The drink - which will be priced at £1.29 for a 330ml bottle - is being distributed in Scotland by drinks importer Wickedsoup as a premium alternative to mainstream ciders. Spokes­man Patrick Rohde said: "The drink is a very clean and crisp-tasting cider - and it does not have what I call a 'metallic' aftertaste, which some UK ciders seem to have."

Rohde said that the time was right to introduce a Spanish cider to the UK market and that it had already seen sales grow in Scotland on the back of the success of Magners. Like Es Sidra, Magners began creating consumer awareness in Scotland, predominantly in the on-trade, before widening its distribution into the UK and off-trade outlets.

"Es Sidra is currently stocked by specialist independent stores and delicatessens in Scotland, as well as in gourmet restaurants and bars," said Rohde. "A lot of people have taken to it so I have been looking for the right opportunity to roll the brand out across the UK."

Last month Scottish & Newcastle UK announced it would be rolling out its Bulmers brand - currently sold only in Northern Ireland - into the UK ­market, while at the same time producer C&C said it planned to increase prod­uction of its Magners brand and aimed to double its share of the English and Welsh cider and beer market by the end of the year.

Last summer sales of cider soared. They are expected to rise again ­during the World Cup as football fans look for an alternative to lager.