The independent Fairtrade mark is awarded by the Fairtrade Foundation ­ the UK's fair trade labelling body. The government has welcomed the latest drive to improve the lives of banana workers. The Rt Hon Clare Short MP, secretary of state for international development said: "This is excellent news for banana farmers. When British shoppers choose Fairtrade Mark bananas they will have better bananas and help to improve the lives of many poor producers." Bananas are now the most popular fruit in the UK with Britons eating an average of between 25 and 30lbs of fruit each year; more than double the amount consumed 15 years ago. Annual UK sales are at a record £750m, representing more than a quarter of all fruit sales. Phil Wells, director of the Fairtrade Foundation says: "Six out of 10 UK shoppers say they would like to buy Fairtrade bananas. If they do, and the other supermarkets follow the Co-op's lead, tens of thousands of banana producers can look forward to a better future." {{FRESH PRODUCE }}