Fairtrade fruit importer Agrofair has appointed a former Co-operative Group man as managing director.

John Bowes spent 20 years at the Co-op and was chief general manager of strategy before he left to write about Fairtrade in 2004.

He was responsible for the society's campaigning stance on ethical sourcing and helped make it one of the leading stockists of Fairtrade products.

He was instrumental in switching the Co-op's own-brand coffee range to Fairtrade, something he described as the most satisfying project of his career.

Bowes will now head up the UK sales and marketing arm of Dutch Company Agrofair. "There is nothing equivocal about Agrofair," said Bowes. "It is a pioneering business wholly dedicated to empowering producers and realising a fairer deal for workers in developing countries."

He replaces Duncan White, who is now leading a Fairtrade project for Twin Trading, which launched Agrofair UK in 2001.