Nestlé Rowntree wants to make a rebranded Lion Bar king of the macho snack jungle with a £3m relaunch. A ferocious lion bares its fangs on the new look bar, designed to appeal to a core 16 to 34 year old male market ­ though the chocolate bar arguably already has one of the most macho brand images on the confectionery counter. A longer life reformulated recipe makes the bar more chewy with extra caramel. Graham Walker, Nestlé Rowntree sales communications manager, said the relaunch was a bid to persuade consumers to return to the brand which first went on sale in the 1970s. The rebranding is part of a raft of activity planned by Nestlé Rowntree across its confectionery stable in 2001. The £3m consumer campaign, which starts after Christmas, will include outdoor advertising on bus stops and sides and cinema ads. Retailers are being offered two free bars for the launch. {{P&P }}