Focus On: Beauty, Sun & Holiday by Rob Brown
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Publishing: 4 April
Advertising deadline: 27 March
Submissions deadline: 17 March
The Story
Is Generation Z the secret to reviving the beauty market? While cosmetics are shedding the pounds, skincare and suncare are down 1.6% in value. However, help might be at hand. A recent report from The Pull Agency highlighted the power of Gen Z, which last year overtook millennials as the UK’s largest age group in the beauty aisle. The young shoppers who comprise Gen Z are more affluent, shrewder and more ethically minded than their elders. How can brands tap these qualities to drive sales and return to growth?
Key themes:
Young shoppers: Who are gen z shoppers? How do they shop the beauty aisle? How much importance does technology play in their shopping mission? Who and what influences their purchasing decisions? What brands appeal to them? And what retailers?
Body care: body skincare is down in value and volumes across branded and own label. That’s in spite of last year’s trend for full-body beauty care, and a rush of innovation to tap the trend. What happened? Are Brits getting wrinkly below the neck?
Skincare: How can younger shoppers boost skincare sales? What claims are attracting this age group?
Cosmetics: As shoppers gravitate towards cheaper options, can brands put value back into the market, and how? Can they market to younger shoppers, and what are they looking for?
Kantar data: Using Kantar commentary, we explain the reasons behind the rise and fall of the skincare and suncare sub-categories.
Nielsen data: Using Nielsen commentary, we explain the reasons behind the rise and fall of the top 10 brands.
Innovations: We identify four new products that have ideally not appeared in The Grocer before including launch date and RSP, and a picture of each.
Focus On Beauty, Sun and Holiday 2020
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