By Emma Eversham
Publishing: 30 September 2023
Advertising deadline: 15 September 2023
Submissions deadline: 8 September 2023
Manufacturers of personal care products are facing a sustainability challenge. The sector is responsible for mountains of plastic waste, with a poll finding in 2020 that households get through 216 bottles of shampoo and conditioner, 24 bottles of shower gel, 24 tubes of toothpaste and 12 bottles of moisturiser every year with just 60% of that being recycled.
It’s not just plastic: Britain’s £450m-plus deodorant market is the one of the UK’s biggest users of aerosol cans, suggesting it’s a major contributor to air pollution. And that’s just the packaging. Many shampoos, cosmetics and skincare products contain sulphates and other ingredients that can harm marine life.
So, what is the sector doing to clean up its act? Recent years have seen the launch of many ‘green’ personal care products – from reusable deodorants and toothpaste tablets to reusable period pants and plastic-free shampoo bars – but how are they performing at the tills? And just how green are they anyway?
Challengers versus giants: Who are the agile challengers showing the bigger players the way to a greener future? And how are suppliers and retailers tackling these issues? Please cover all areas of personal care, including oral, hair, skincare, cosmetics, feminine care etc.
Air pollution: Just how much of a contribution to air pollution do deodorants make? And how much of a problem is the pollution? How are brands and retailers addressing the issue? Who’s having the biggest positive impact? Is anyone declining to take the matter seriously?
Recycling: Why do so few shoppers recycle their deodorant aerosol cans? What are suppliers and retailers doing to encourage more recycling? And what are problems – in terms of waste and supplies of materials – would be avoided by more recycling? And what are the obstacles to more recycling by consumers?
Sustainable challengers: Who are the smaller brands cutting out air pollution and plastic waste of all kinds – from aluminium to plastic? Which are leading the way in sustainability? How much of an impact are they having on category sales, and on changing consumer behaviour for the better?
Oral care: As in deodorant, it has its own sustainability challenge – and its own green-minded disruptor brands. Who are the most notable, and what are they doing?
Focus On Personal Care 23 BRIEF
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