Five week old Caitlin Dalgetty volunteered her mother Debbie's writing skills and her own bottom to test some new nappies As I'm a first-time mum, my five week old daughter Caitlin has already been tester for many of my instinctive' motherhood decisions. When it came to which nappies to choose, I went with Pampers because of money-off vouchers. I have subsequently stayed with them,even though there have been a few nighttime leaks ­ which I put down to parental problems! Caitlin has five to six nappy changes in 24 hrs, one of which is messy. She is prone to the odd extra runny nappy, but so far even that has been containable, and she does not suffer from a sore bottom. This new Pampers nappy has big holes in its top sheet which are supposed to allow particle matter to pass through to be trapped in a layer below, while liquid is trapped in another layer below that. I was expecting a bulky nappy a bit like a maternity pad ­ but it was exactly the same size as other nappies. I was keen to see these layers in action. Caitlin's first poo duly arrived and I changed her immediately to see what had happened. The poo was well and truly smeared all over her bottom and it was very hard to see if any had penetrated through the holes as stated. So I thought I would wait a while before changing her next mess, to see if it needed time before the layer system worked. After waiting half an hour, we were disappointed again, as the layer system did not seem to have worked. I did notice, however, that the cellulose layer for liquid was doing its job because even nappies that were just wet seemed very full compared to her previous nappies, and her skin seemed nice and dry. I think my findings may be inconclusive, as the few days I tested the nappies probably wasn't long enough to check their gentleness on babies' skin. Also, Caitlin is bottle fed and I think perhaps her poos are different from those of breast-fed babies. I really would like this idea to be workable and, with a price comparable to the other Pampers, I will probably buy them. {{MARKETING - P&P }}