Sara Lee Bakery's new mini cheescakes can be eaten straight from the freezer Sarah George, works for occupational psychologist SHL and lives in south west London I am a big Snickers fan so the Toffee and Pecan Secret Bite had my interest up straight away, and it did, as I'd hoped, taste very similar. It was Sunday afternoon, I'd been out for lunch and I fancied something sweet to round it off. Luckily, here were a couple of boxes of the new Sara Lee Secret Bites stashed in the freezer. My housemates joined me to taste the toffee and pecan and chocolate chip nibbles. They were described as mini cheesecakes on the packaging. We decided the Bites were like chocolate Brownies with ice cream on top. I was pleased to see they only had 99 calories. Snickers have more than that so I felt I was being very moderate. The packaging was very attractive. When the box has been opened, the message Is your secret out?' is revealed, which amused me. The box is resealable ­ ideal to keep stashed in the freezer. I think it is handy that you can keep them frozen. It is also good that you don't have to wait for them to defrost before eating them. With a tub of ice cream, you often have to wait for it to defrost and then you have to refreeze it again afterwards which can be a hassle. The metallic inner foil round the Bites was like wrapping paper ­ pretty and crackly. I felt like I was opening a gift. Both varieties tasted great, although they would be sickly if you had too many in one go. They would be ideal for a quick chocolate boost, though. If you were on a strict calorie-controlled diet, you could make room for a Secret Bite by taking 100 calories off your main meal ­ not too hard to do. You could use the mini-portions as dessert if you had friends round for dinner. It is a shame you couldn't take the Bites to work for elevenses as they would melt. I usually have something like a Penguin at that time and a secret Bite would be a good alternative. It would also be nice if you could buy them individually in the local shop. They would be handy for a quick treat on the go. {{P&P }}