Saxby's We Make, You Bake range aims to bring more convenience to the home baking sector. Iain Campbell is md of integrated communications agency Ideas Unlimited We are not normally a bake your own bread and cakes' type of family so the thought of sampling home-baked' cookies and brownies in minutes without the hassle of measuring, mixing and mess seemed instantly appealing ­ particularly to willing sous-chefs Freddy, aged 4, and Peach, aged 2. We baked the brownie first, a simple enough operation: put the tray in the oven and wait for 12-14 minutes. The result was delicious ­ a really moist texture and rich chocolate taste. Highest praise came from Freddy who normally prefers fruit or something savoury. He munched his way happily through one whole slice and then asked us to make sure we save some for his friend Peter as "his favourite things in the world to eat are chocolate brownies". Our daughter had to be removed physically from the kitchen table after she had gorged herself on a huge amount. My wife pronounced them delicious if a little rich, but was very impressed with the flavour and list of natural ingredients. We felt, though, that the indicated portion suggestion of six large slices' was over-generous. So we cut them into a more manageable eight slices and then into 16 squares ­ even better value. Next came the double choc chip cookies. The immediate verdict from our two-year-old on opening the tub was: "Yum yummy in my tummy" and from Freddy: "I love the smell." We had to explain that they couldn't just stick their fingers into the tub and try the uncooked dough mixture there and then! Both children were desperately eager to roll the dough by themselves into small ball shapes as instructed and, again, the packaging gives very straightforward and clear instructions. Unfortunately, we found the given timings difficult to translate for our Aga and managed to burn the first batch of cookies. They seemed to go from wet and very runny to burnt in a second! Nevertheless, they still had a very authentic, natural taste and crunchy yet gooey texture, and like the brownies were certainly as good as any genuinely home baked ones I have ever tried before. {{MARKETING - P&P }}
