All Fish articles – Page 70

  • News

    Commodities Update: tomatoes, tuna, ham


    Tomatoes in demandItalian export figures show UK volume imports of canned tomatoes grew by a third over the first six months of the year.Promotional activity on four-packs of canned tomatoes seems to have accounted for a large part of the...

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    Consumer Insight


    Age profile of fish finger/fish cake consumersnFish fingers and fish cakes were eaten on 409 million occasions last year, down by 3% from the previous yearnChildren eat 40% of fish fingers...

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    Commodities Update: fish, mandarins, pineapple, olives


    Red salmon prices upRetail canned fish sales continue to show year-on-year growth in spite of escalating prices due to raw material inflation.IRI figures for the year to September show that by volume, pilchards are up 12.9%, mackerel 12.7%...

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    Yoghurt joins Omega-3 craze


    Müller Vitality is snapping at the heels of Actimel with the development of the first range of functional yoghurt drinks and yoghurts with added Omega-3 essential fatty acids.Fish oils are being added to all products in the portfolio, which are...

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    Asda defends its sourcing of fish


    Asda has hit out at Greenpeace claims that its seafood sourcing policy contributes more than that of any other supermarket to the destruction of fish stocks.The environmental pressure group claimed that Asda sold at least 13 species that are on...

  • News

    Commodities Update: corned beef, tuna, fruit concentrates


    Corned beef pricierRetail prices for corned beef rose 25% this week as the shortage of raw material in Brazil finally took effect at store level.Hikes coincided with an announcement by the Brazilian veterinary authority that an outbreak of...

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    Talking Point


    Huge momentum is now building up behind the MSC’s certification of and eco-labelling for environmentally responsible and sustainable fisheries. More than 40 fisheries are now engaged in the programme and the range, volume and availability of...

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    New regs threaten sudden shutdown


    Supermarkets and c-stores selling meat, fish, dairy products and eggs have been warned they face immediate closure if an environmental health officer so much as suspects they have breached hygiene rules.Meat industry bosses say new powers, set...

  • News

    Commodities Update: salmon, tuna, tomatoes


    Red salmon 15% downAlaskan salmon pack details from the Food Processors Association in Seattle confirm that red 213g are 15% down on last season but pinks are up 20%. The FPA said 213g red prices are up 15% and 105g will be 20% higher due to...

  • News

    Princes cans health message


    Princes is the latest supplier to try and boost the health credentials of canned food with a new branded range of no-added-sugar and salt vegetables.The canned fish, fruit and vegetable supplier is putting a prominent 5-a-day logo on the range,...

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    Battle to be the biggest fish brand


    The competition to capture the biggest share of the key canned fish market is fierce, with the two major brands jockeying for top positionThe battle for supremacy in the biggest sector of the canned goods category, canned fish, is...

  • News

    Acquisitions boost Real Good Food Company


    Acquisition activity has helped the Real Good Food Company, which operates units such as Five Star Fish, Haydens Bakeries and Seriously Scrumptious, record an 85% increase in group sales in half-year results.In half-year results to end June...

  • News

    Commodities Update: peaches, fish, dried fruit


    Growers protestGreek peach canners’ production schedules have been seriously disrupted by price disputes with growers. Growers have blockaded some canners’ premises and reports of civil unrest in the Pella region are causing concern among...

  • News

    So good for Sainsbury with Harvey on board


    Sainsbury has snapped up former Somerfield meat buyer Tom Harvey to fill the role of chicken buyer. Harvey joins the retailer after two and a half years at Somerfield where he bought fish, poultry and red meat products.Starting as a fish...

  • News

    Commodities Update: tuna, salmon, corned beef


    Tuna prices risingTuna raw material prices continue to rise as a result of poor fishing. UK importers face major fob increases from suppliers.Sources in Bangkok say skipjack prices are heading for $1,000 a tonne, which will mean increases...

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    Columbus chicken on its way


    The man behind the Columbus Egg phenomenon is seeking producers and retailers to embrace Columbus chicken.Billed as the “new fish”, because of its Omega-3 content, Columbus chicken represents the antithesis of the intensively produced,...

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    John West turns arty


    John West is trying to net a more upmarket image for its new Scottish-sourced tinned sardines with a design featuring a painting of the sea.The ‘Raging Sea’, by young artist Ewa Polanek, shows the area where the sardines are caught and will be...

  • News

    Pollock the next great white hope


    The drive to raise the profile of sustainably sourced fish on supermarket shelves and in consumers’ diets is intensifying with Unilever’s decision to roll out Marine Stewardship Council-certified pollock across Europe in the next six months.The...

  • News

    Commodities Update: meat, fish, fruit, dried fruit


    FOB prices still climbingWith Brazilian cattle prices at an all-time high, and an insatiable demand for frozen beef trimmings from Russia, corned beef importers face a difficult future. Freight-on-board prices have risen 22% in the past 12...

  • News

    Beef farmers blame supermarkets for price slump


    Farmers are complaining that a glut of South American beef is having a major impact on domestic beef prices.Richard Haddock, chairman of the National Farmers’ Union livestock board blamed the supermarkets for a “Massive miscalculation”...