All Fish articles – Page 71

  • News

    Consumer Insight


    When canned tuna is eatennCanned tuna was consumed on 707 million occasions in the past year, 1% less than in the previous yearn50% of all canned tuna eaten in the home is for...

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    Young’s seafood for convenience


    Britain’s top fish supplier Young’s Bluecrest is launching a wide range of products aimed at giving chilled seafood a major presence in the convenience sector for the first time.Young’s wants to boost its branded chilled turnover from £42m to...

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    Commodities Update: tomatoes, fruit, fish


    Good tomato pack dueItalian tomato processors are gearing up for another good pack as weather conditions have proved to be relatively favourable.But one Naples source warned: “We are not out of the woods yet. Talk of prices similar to last...

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    Consumer Insight


    nIn the past year there were 80 million meals featuring cod, an increase of 6% on last yearn66% of cod is eaten for an evening meal; 28% of cod is consumed on a...

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    Commodities Update: dried fruit, fish, canned fruit, beef


    Sultana trade buoyantTrade in Turkish sultanas is buoyant, with exports expected to have reached 200,000 tonnes by mid-June.“Export levels have been running at a faster pace this year than last,” said one source.Specially cleaned No...

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    Salmon farm goes under


    Another independently owned salmon farm in Shetland has lost the fight against low prices in the aquaculture industry. PricewaterhouseCoopers’ receivers have been appointed to wind up Hoove Salmon.Shetland’s independent farmed salmon industry...

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    Commodities Update: tomatoes, fish, apricots


    Tomato field prices lowerStock carry-over from last season has resulted in Italian canned tomato processors contracting with growers for 15% less fresh tomatoes.Field prices will be 5% lower than last season, but increases in the cost of...

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    Lerwick port rakes in the mackerel catch


    Fish landings in Shetland’s Lerwick harbour in the first three months of 2005 leapt dramatically, according to the Lerwick Port Authority.Lerwick Port Authority said that fish worth £23 million had been landed in the harbour, an increase of...

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    Farmed cod set for big volumes


    Britain’s major seafood supplier Young’s Bluecrest has hailed the birth of farmed cod as a major new food supply industry, anticipating it will reach some 200,000 tonnes by 2013.That level would represent a quarter of the volumes delivered...

  • News

    Commodities Update: tuna, salmon, sardines, dried fruit


    Tuna catches spasmodicRaw material prices for tuna have eased, but catches are still spasmodic, leading to uncertainty over future price trends.Causing concern is the reluctance of packers to offer any long-term shipping periods. Bangkok...

  • News

    Fish farm merger forces job cuts


    Marine Harvest and Stolt Seafoods, Scotland’s largest fish farming companies, have agreed to merge.The merger, which will create the newly-named company Marine Harvest, will lead to the loss of 120 jobs at the companies.Approximately...

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    Commodities Update: beef, pork, salmon


    Corned beef prices risingPrices of corned beef are continuing upward as Brazil wrestles with a weakening currency, the real, against a stronger US dollar.A Brazilian packer said: “Traders believe the industry is making excessive profits....

  • News

    Commodities update: fruit, salmon, sardines, dried fruit


    Any discussion about canned fruit invariably involves the threat of Chinese low-cost production, as evidenced during the mandarin orange season when Spanish canners put pressure on Brussels to safeguard their industry, claiming Chinese production ...

  • News

    Commodities Update: tuna, pilchards, tomatoes


    Tuna cost concernsA further rise in skipjack tuna raw material prices is causing serious concern among canners.Prices were expected to have begun to fall by now, but a scarcity of fish has pushed the Bangkok price to $900 a tonne,...

  • News

    Millar retires after 40 years in the industry


    Kraft’s trade relations manager Easton Millar has taken early retirement after 40 years working in the grocery industry.Millar said he began his career as a four-year-old in sweet stock replenishment at his grandmother’s fish and chip shop. On...

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    Forensic eyes on origin


    Methods used in criminal investigations by forensic scientists could be the key to preventing food fraud and checking the origin of meats, fish, crops and other produce entering the UK.Counterfeit food and medicines seized as they arrived in...

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    Consumer Insight


    Consumption of salmon by age groupnIn the past year there were 147 million salmon meal occasions nSmoked salmon accounts for 15% of all salmon...

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    Minimum import price ‘unhelpful’


    Britain’s major seafood supplier Young’s Bluecrest has hit out at the Minimum Import Price imposed by Brussels on non-EU salmon as “unhelpful to development of the salmon market”.The company is forecasting an overall rise in the retail price of...

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    Commodities update: Pineapple, tuna, dried fruit and chilli


    Pineapple tribulations“It’s the same old story,” was the reaction of a canned fruit importer this week when asked about the prospects for the summer pineapple crop in Thailand. “Higher tin plate costs – up 42% – and adverse weather...

  • News

    Commodities update: tuna, tomatoes, beef, dried fruit


    Tuna prices increaseTuna prices are rising after poor catches and concern that shortages are becoming the norm.Conservationists cite over-fishing as a reason, but weather seems more likely. There are many reports of recorded changes in sea...