A small potted fish company from Devon has made the jump from market stalls into the mults after securing listings with Sainsbury’s.

The Potted Fish Company’s Old English Potted Crab and Smoked Mackerel with Horseradish will be going into 50 stores on the south coast and in London.

The company’s products are made with traceable and sustainable ingredients from local suppliers, with 10% of all profits going to cancer charity Team Continuum.

Owner Jonathan Bailey said the Sainsbury’s deal marked a big leap forward for his company, which he formed as a teenager and has been selling its products through local markets, delis and specialist shops to date.

“With the launch of Old English Potted Crab and Smoked Mackerel with Horseradish into Sainsbury’s, we’re taking the business from a modest small farm kitchen to a 6,000 sq ft factory with a number of new staff,” he said.

The Potted Fish Company is a rare example of branded products in the chilled fish aisle. Sainsbury’s fish buyer Ben Wheeley said he was attracted to the company because of its sustainability credentials and “great quality”.

“We’re always on the lookout for new and interesting suppliers,” he added. “Jonathan and his company seemed like an ideal fit for our customers.”