Leading bagged salad brand Florette is preparing for a £3m relaunch.
The company, owned by French operator Soleco, has appointed advertising agency Hooper Galton to relaunch its brand in 2004.
Florette is hoping to build on the success of 2003, where it sold 33 million bags in the UK alone, a growth of 20% on the previous year, and ahead of the rest of the pre-prepared salad market.
Claire Jenkins, marketing manager said: “Over the last
couple of years, ‘Never Forgette Florette’ has achieved phenomenal success, generating outstanding consumer awareness. However, due to product innovations, it is now time to take the brand to the next level.”
The company is preparing to spend more than £3m on above-the-line advertising to maintain and expand that momentum. The majority of the advertising will be on TV, a medium which Florette said had proven effective for them in the past.
The company claimed it was also one of the first-ever brands in fresh produce to advertise on TV. Jenkins said: “With so many product improvements and innovations scheduled for this year and the next at Florette, we feel the time is ripe to upgrade our brand communication and increase investment. Hooper Galton showed us it had the energy and insight we need.”
Oliver Lewis-Barclay at Hooper Galton said: “Florette has done amazingly well on a relatively low ad spend. We can build on this and develop the Florette ‘personality’ with an exciting campaign.”
The advertising is expected to be launched in May, with a joined up campaign running throughout 2004, said Jenkins.
Various promotional activities, including The Florette National Salad Week, from July 5 to 11, are scheduled to take place throughout the year.
Ed Bedington