Tesco has fought off Asda and Morrisons to become this week's cheapest retailer, with Sainsbury's coming a close second. Tesco undercut its nearest competitor on 13 items but such is the competitive nature of price cutting between the retailers that it produced a basket just 65p cheaper. Tesco's £51.53 basket contained only two of the cheapest items on our list - Danone Bio Activia and the Old El Paso Fajita Dinner Kit. Runner-up Sainsbury's did not make any significant price cuts this week, shaving just one pence off the price of a Ginsters Cornish pasty but it did match Tesco on the price of 20 items. Sainsbury's also provided one cheapest item - Wall's Viennetta, which was 57p less than its closest rival. Meanwhile, Tesco, Asda and Waitrose all increase the price of their Viennetta, by as much as 49p at Tesco. Morrisons was in third place with a £53.59 basket. The retailer did not provide any of the cheapest items this week and offered the most expensive HP Sauce at £1.38 compared with 98p at Tesco and Sainsbury's. However, Morrisons did reduce its own-label dried spaghetti by 8p and matched Tesco on 16 products. Last week's winner Asda managed only fourth place this week with a £54.19 basket, despite providing the highest number of cheapest items including loose pears, Australian red wine and Pampers Baby Dry nappies. Perhaps it was hoping to promote responsible drinking, as the price of the basket was bumped up by a £15.43 bottle of Smirnoff Vodka - £3.43 more than at Tesco. A £60.21 basket meant Somerfield narrowly avoided being our most expensive retailer but it managed to match Tesco on three items - dried spaghetti, milk and free-range eggs. Somerfield also added 67p to the price of a Ginsters Cornish pasty. Waitrose was once again our most expensive retailer with a £60.76 basket. It provided 10 of the most expensive items on our list, although it did match Tesco's prices on five items.