Cereals are bought by 96.7% of UK households. Penetration is down 1.7% to 75.8% for own-label cereals, and static for branded cereals.

On average, a shopper buys cereals 24.5 times a year, up from 24.2 times last year. Driven by branded cereals, this has added £15.9m to the category. 

Own-label cereals are now being bought on 1.1% fewer occasions than a year ago, costing the category £3.7m. The average cereal shopper spends £61.96 a year on the category, up 1.4%. But unlike last year, this has not been driven by price as the average has fallen to £2.91 per kg.

Tesco is the only one of the big four to increase market share, showing value growth of 3.8%. Asda is the only big-four supermarket to record a decline in share, dropping 1.1%.

Focus On Cereals