As health concerns have risen to the top of parents' agendas, so the onus has fallen on manufacturers to deliver healthier products aimed at children.

In September last year, Spanish soft drinks giant Don Simon launched Juice Out, a new juice drink brand aimed at children aged four to 11. The three-strong range, which is free of artificial colours and flavours, was developed by marketing agency Life Agency. The agency set out to create a juice drink that both appealed to children and parents.

In addition to a clear listing of its natural fruit ingredients, the 200ml Tetra-Pak cartons feature 'fun facts' and imaginative designs highlighting three extreme and outlandish methods of squeezing juice, to convey the message that Don Simon will stop at nothing to get every last drop of juice out of its fruit.

"This project was really about engaging and encouraging children's imaginations," says David Poole, joint MD at Life. "We came up with Juice Out, which encourages kids to think about where their food comes from. We were tasked with developing a unique brand identity for Don Simon's chilled kids juice that had real standout and personality in its category, and I think we've succeeded."

Tighter guidelines relating to drinks sold in schools are also driving innovation in the sector. Last September Calypso Soft Drinks launched a new, school-compliant Sparkling Rapidz range, which it says has proved hugely popular.

The design was chosen by school students and each 330ml bottle represents one of the recommended five-a-day portions of fruit and veg. Calypso also produces a Disney line, including Toy Story and Winnie the Pooh-branded fruit juice drinks, free from added sugar, colour or preservatives.

Squashes too are improving their health credentials. Russell Smart of 3V Natural Foods believes the company's Rocks Organics drinks brand ticks the boxes of three key parental requirements: taste, value and health.

"At about £0.10 per serving, our range of squashes and cordials still represents good value for money," says Smart. "The squash range is very popular with families looking for drinks free from unnecessary additives and our use of organic ingredients delivers a taste starkly different to most other dilutables."

Focus On Soft Drinks