Scrutiny of internet selling The impact of the internet on fruit and vegetable trading will be one of the central discussion points at the Fresh Produce Consortium's annual conference on March 19 -22. Speakers will include Professor F Lachotski, formerly of Unigrow NV and Asko AG as well as the Dutch Business School at Nyenrode University. Professor M Jegar from Wye College will devote a session to the effects of the major restructuring in the industry. Other speakers including Ronald Bown, president of the Chilean Fruit Association, will look at ways consumers' confidence is being rebuilt over the pesticide issue. This subject will also be the subject of a special workshop dealing with minimum residue levels, while there will be another on the legal position regarding growers' intellectual rights to the range of new registered varieties, with Pink Lady apples an example. The FPC will also be announcing future plans over how it intends to absorb the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Information Bureau with which it merged in January. The conference will also install Dick Brighten as the new president who takes over from Nick Saphir. Brighten retired early after 30 years with Capespan International. The event will be opened by MAFF minister of state Joyce Quin. {{FRESH PRODUCE }}