French summer fruit growers have stepped up their campaign to drive UK retail sales in a bid to build a reputation for quality and justify the premium price they ask compared with Spanish fruit.

Marketing agency Sopexa has launched a £60,000 promotional campaign here this summer on behalf of French stonefruit and melon growers. The campaign includes an eight-page supplement in a consumer food magazine, in-store apricot tastings at 25 large Tesco stores and sponsorship of the recent Boodles tennis championships.

"Increasing competition from growers in Spain, Turkey and Italy means it is becoming more important to promote French fruits in the UK," said Daniel Obadia, president of growers' association Interfel. "The UK is not a big market for us, but it is valuable."

Growers are also launching a new melon variety, called Yelor, in Waitrose this summer. It has been bred by seed company Soldive and will be backed by 75 days of in-store tastings. Waitrose has exclusivity on the fruit for six months.

Obadia said the UK was more affluent and valuable outlet for crops, and one that the French were hoping to develop.

"We cannot compete on price with Spanish and other growers, but we believe our fruit is better quality," he added.

French fruit can also fill a gap in the market in August, after nectarines, peaches and apricots had finished for Spain, he said. France's programme of varietal development is extending the season on key crops.

This year France is forecasting a similar peach and nectarine harvest to last year, at 392,000 tonnes. Apricot volumes are expected to be down 6% at 167,000 tonnes and melons will be in line with 2006, on 291,000 tonnes. The cherry harvest will be much smaller than last year, however.