Tesco has teamed up with apple supplier, Adrian Scripps, to launch Autumn Blush - a new  pink-skinned apple to rival Pink Lady.

The name Autumn Blush was chosen after 700 Tesco consumers competed to come up with the name, the variety of which is actually Gradirose.  

Similar in appearance to more famous pink apples, Adrian Scripps claims that Autumn Blush will provide consumers with a new and different eating experience.

The richly flavoured, aromatic apple was something unique in comparison with the wave of crisp sweet / tart apples of recent years, said Adrian Scripps MD, James Simpson. “We believe this apple can be likened to a fine wine and harks back to more traditional flavours that will appeal to a wide range of consumers.”

The apple is part of Tesco’s Best of British range in the run up to Christmas. It is exclusive to the retailer.