Fruit & veg <span id="Fruit & veg"></span> – Page 133

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    Retailers 'complicit' in exploitation of workers


    Gangmasters have accused their customers in the fresh produce sector of tacitly endorsing the exploitation of workers by paying labour providers too little.The Association of Labour Providers chose the first anniversary of the Gangmaster...

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    Tesco starts selling big pomegranates


    Giant pomegranates the size of Galia melons have gone on sale in 500 Tesco stores around the UK.The huge fruits, called Wonderful, have been supplied by major Israeli exporter Agrexco and weigh in at 650g each - nearly twice the size of...

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    Abel & Cole talks open


    The founder of organic veg box supplier Abel & Cole is reportedly looking for a buyer for the business.A deal could value Keith Abel's home delivery business, which has been successful in the south east of England, at £50m. Abel would...

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    NFU move may revive the polytunnel battle


    Soft fruit growers are playing the anti-polytunnel lobby at its own game in a move that threatens to reignite the battle over the plastic structures.Growers are asking NFU members nationwide to support a planning application for 20ha of...

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    Cobnut renaissance hailed by growers


    Cobnuts are undergoing a "renaissance" thanks to a bumper crop and record demand for the hazelnut-like nuts.This year's unseasonal weather has produced a national crop of about 600 tonnes, almost twice last year's production, and growers...

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    Festive snacks are unveiled


    Snack supplier Nature's Table is launching a range of limited-edition fruit and nut snacks with a festive twist.The three new variants comprise a yoghurt cranberry option, a macadamia & cranberry mix and white chocolate strawberries. The...

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    Fruit & veg imports to take Tesco carbon test


    Shoppers will be able to compare the environmental impact of imported fruit and veg with that of homegrown ones after Tesco said it was to trial the Carbon Trust's carbon footprint label on 30 own-label lines.The products in the pilot...

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    Are heritage brands a thing of the past?


    Andy Warhol's famous poster has seared Campbell's tomato soup onto the consciousness of the nation. But it wasn't enough to prevent it from being canned. Premier Foods' announcement last week that the iconic soup would disappear from UK shelves...

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    Prices up for off-colour Hallowe'en pumpkins


    Shoppers will have to pay up to 15% more for pumpkins this Hallowe'en - and the wet summer means they have not turned their usual orange colour. The problem has led to some growers heating the harvested green pumpkins to encourage them...

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    Talking shop - Dr Helen Ferrier


    It's time for a proper debate on genetic modification in agriculture, says Dr Helen Ferrier, the National Farmers Union's chief science and regulatory affairs adviser From the moment genetically modified crops were developed, they have been called...

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    Growers shun disease cost-sharing proposal


    Growers have fired a broadside at government plans to share the costs of managing plant diseases, saying it could increase the price of fresh produce in shops. Any attempt to increase the burden of policing plant health controls for...

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    Tesco to give kids a lesson


    Tesco and its fruit supplier Norman Collett are sponsoring Kent school kids to learn about apples. They have shown 56 children from Goudhurst and Kildown Primary School around an orchard and will take them to the National Fruit Show on...

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    Efficiency rise prompts 'resurgence' for fresh


    Most fresh producers are defying the doom and gloom that has beset the sector following crop shortages and a slump in fruit and veg consumption, according to new figures.A survey of the UK's 1,000 main fresh produce operators by analyst...

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    insight - broccoli


    There were 1.5 billion meal occasions where broccoli was eaten, unchanged year-on-year, in the past year Twenty-nine per cent of broccoli is eaten on a Sunday Almost two thirds of broccoli is eaten in the evening Health is the main reason for eating...

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    Waitrose to sell fresh sloes


    Waitrose has become the first major multiple to sell fresh sloe berries.

    Hampshire-based grower John Boyd is supplying the bitter berries, which go on sale exclusively in selected London stores, at £4.99 for 454g.

    Boyd pitched the…

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    WORLD NEWS - Unilever to acquire drinks company


    Unilever to acquire drinks company JAKARTA: Unilever Indonesia is to buy the Buavita brand of fruit-based drinks from local company Ultra, which will continue to produce the...

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    Processors' relief at lower cider demand


    Bramley apple processors have welcomed the cold summer, claiming it has put the brakes on cider consumption and improved fruit availability.Fourayes Farm, which sells prepared apple and other fruit fillings to manufacturers and...

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    we work together - Phil on Andy


    Phil on Andy I've been managing director of the family fruit company for 12 years, but Andy and I met about 18 years ago. I had only just started in the family business and Andy was working for R&K Wise, making desserts for Marks & Spencer....

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    Huge greenhouse will boost British supplies


    National salad production could be boosted by 15% by Britain's biggest-ever glasshouse development, which has been given the go-ahead in Kent.Backers claim the £70m project will offer retailers higher-quality British produce with a...

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    Le Crunch is back in action


    Undeterred by all the noise surrounding the start of the English apple season, the annual Le Crunch campaign for French apples has kicked off in the Co-operative Group and Somerfield. "The UK is our biggest export market and we are...