The usually staid ale category is the latest sector to try and cash in on the craze for drinks served over ice.

Fullers has been promoting its Organic Honey Dew beer as a perfect drink for this type of serve in a selection of its pubs and will be rolling out the concept across the on and off-trade.

The brewer says the ale works well this way as it is sweeter than a normal beer and able to retain its flavour when poured over ice. It also recommends adding a wedge of lime to the glass.

"We've seen the over-ice market develop over the past couple of years and believe there is an opportunity for more drinks to be served like this," said Clare Draper, brand manager.

"The reaction to serving one of our beers in this way has been great, with average sales in the trial pubs increasing by 50%."

The brewer plans to run a sampling campaign this summer and is designing PoS material to get consumers to try the ale over ice.