A new flapjack-style bar that "boosts body and mind" is claiming to be the first snack product to contain the Red Bull key ingredient taurine.

The Will Bar comes in two flavours: coco-a-go-go, with caffeine and taurine; and booster berries with taurine and vitamin C.

Product developer Flip Flop said it planned to spearhead "a new niche category sitting between sugar-laden confectionery countlines or cereal bars and slow-moving dietary or nutritional bars".

With ingredients including cornmalt syrup, soy crisps and oat flakes, the bars are priced at £1.29 for 60g. They will be marketed through sampling, vehicle advertising, online promotions and press ads, using the strapline 'Where there's a Will Bar, there's a way'. The product is being listed in 171 Boots across the UK from this month.

Plans are under way to launch further variants next year, with flavours including Advantage Apricot and Oats'n Raisins.