VK claims to have bottled the taste of student favourite Cheeky Vimto with its latest launch VK Cheeky.

The 4% ABV mixed berry flavour drink (rsp: £1.19 per 275ml bottle) is available from March and has been launched by Global Brands to make the popular cocktail available to the take-home market and tap into the popularity of mixed berry cider drinks.

"Our customers, particularly within the late night sector, recognised the continued popularity of mixed berry drinks amongst consumers but were having trouble making the Cheeky V cocktails quickly and perfectly every time," said VK brand manager Kate Hodson. "Our consumer research found that 90% of those who were sampled said they would buy a bottled version of the Cheeky V cocktail."

The launch will benefit from a £10m marketing push in spring focusing on music festival sponsorships and social media.