Green issue2



Reflect on 2024 – and then set your focus points for this year


 We need to ensure all our actions still point the business in the direction of our key goals, says Jenny Costa of Rubies in the Rubble

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The three macro trends that will define 2025

2025-01-10T06:00:00+00:00By Louis Bedwell, business unit lead at Future Food Movement

The trends shaping this year – health, trust, and sustainability – are not just opportunities but necessities, says Louis Bedwell, business unit lead at Future Food Movement

OFC 2025 Day 2-006 Steve Reed

Why Steve Reed will need more than a ‘new deal’ to get farmers back onside


The environment secretary promised that ‘change is coming’ at today’s Oxford Farming Conference – but farmers hoping for a reversal of Inheritance Tax reforms were sorely disappointed

supermarket shopper aisle kids family children healthy fruit trolley

National Food Strategy requires systemic change

2024-12-20T10:27:00+00:00By Kate Cawley, founder of Veris Strategies and Future Food Movement

Success depends on how effectively we empower changemakers, align cultural values and nurture collaboration, says Kate Cawley, founder of Veris Strategies and Future Food Movement


How many more controversies can the salmon sector survive?


Yesterday’s revelations over organic fish farms in Scotland should set further alarm bells ringing
