Green issue2


young youth adult gen z grocery supermarket store phone shopper GettyImages-1396834809

Why don’t brands listen to gen Z’s interest in packaging?

2024-07-02T17:37:00+01:00By Gillian Garside-Wight, consulting director at packaging consultancy Aura

Brands should take note of the content creators educating younger consumers about packaging, says Gillian Garside-Wight, consulting director at packaging consultancy Aura


The push for warmer frozen food – can it take off?


Can the frozen industry change a decades-long standard it claims is outdated and contributing to unnecessary carbon emissions?

prepared bagged salad fresh

More woe for the fresh produce sector as cleanliness continues to challenge


As the weather warms and Brits get ready to up their intake of fresh salads, more food safety concern has hit the sector

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Wilding: Knepp Estate film provides inspiring insight into nature’s power


Jurassic Park’s Dr Ian Malcolm might be impressed with what happens when you help nature out

child fruit children tesco healthy

How can the food & drink industry thrive? Ask young people

2024-06-19T14:56:00+01:00By Sharon Bligh, director of health & sustainability at Consumer Goods Forum, and Molly Lewis, 17-year-old activist from Bite Back 2030

All over the world, young people are beginning to question a food system that is making it hard to be healthy, says Sharon Bligh, director of health & sustainability at Consumer Goods Forum, and Molly Lewis, 17-year-old activist from Bite Back 2030
