Brits blame ‘greedy’ supermarkets for higher costs of green living


Shoppers are questioning whether retailers are helping them to live more sustainably or are using green living as an excuse to hike prices

Supermarkets faced blistering accusations of profiteering during the cost of living crisis, and now shoppers are questioning whether retailers are helping them to live more sustainably or unfairly hiking the prices of green products.

Brits are adamant supermarkets are putting profits before sustainability, believing they as consumers are forced to  bear the financial brunt of living a greener lifestyle.

Three-quarters of those asked in a Ipsos poll claim it costs them more money to buy environmentally sustainable products. Less than a quarter (24%) believe supermarkets help them to make more sustainable purchases, 58% are making fewer sustainable choices as the cost of living continues to bite into their income, and 61% don’t understand why sustainable options cost more.

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