All articles by Greg Meenehan – Page 2

  • News

    Banana producers in appeal to EU buyers


    Banana producers in the Windward Islands have staked a claim to a larger share of the EU's lucrative banana trade. They want buyers at UK multiples to stock more of their fruit to ensure the survival of the islands' primary industry and...

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    Supplier Spotlight: Debbie & Andrew's


    Naming their range of sausages after themselves proved to be the turning point in Debbie and Andrew Keeble's business lives. Six years ago, the farming couple decided to diversify from farming pigs,...

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    Campaign to impress with cress


    British salad cress and mustard & cress are to be given a major push by one of the UK's leading growers in a bid to reverse falling sales. Humber VHB, which supplies cress to Tesco, Sainsbury, Somerfield and Waitrose, is...

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    Bizarre law of averages puzzles


    Retailers could face fines of up to £5,000 because of a bizarre aspect to EU rules that makes it illegal to sell some produce packed to an average weight. The EC Weights and Measures (Packaged Goods) Regulations 2006 permit most...

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    NFU eyeing avian flu compensation


    Poultry leaders are to call on the government to pay farmers compensation for losses incurred as a result of outbreaks of avian flu abroad. Defra is due to host a meeting on Tuesday with representatives from industry bodies in a...

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    UK free-range shortage threat


    Egg producers have warned that the UK faces a shortage of domestic free-range eggs because returns from the marketplace are not justifying the expansion required to meet growing demand. British Free Range Egg Producers Association...

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    Supplier Spotlight: The Bury Black Pudding Company


    A supermarket local souring initiative enabled a maker of black pudding in the dish's traditional Lancashire home town of Bury to expand. The company grew in four years from a market stall to boasting a web site, a factory and a...