Halewood International hopes to tap into growing consumer demand for brewed-at-source bottled beers with the launch of a new Brazilian lager in the UK.
According to the company, A Marca Bravara is a “fine light-bodied brew” which is produced in Brazil and imported directly to the UK, where it will be launched next week at the Bar 04 show.
The brand has been given a month’s preview at Selfridges and then will be launched initially in bars.
Halewood said it was in negotiations to list the product in the off-trade by the autumn. Halewood marketing controller Richard Clark said the launch had been timed to cash in on growing demand for premium imported beers as well as
increasing interest in Brazilian culture. “Brazil is very hot at the moment and A Marca Bravara has the advantage of being a credible imported lager as it is still brewed at source,” said Clark.
Halewood hopes to eventually compete with brands such as Corona Extra, the Mexican bottled beer which grew 100% in the UK in the first quarter of 2004.
A Marca Bravara was introduced to the Canadian market by Molson last summer. It is also sold in Australia and New Zealand where Clark said it had been a success.