BRL Hardy is planning to make Banrock Station the biggest wine brand in the world and a central part of this strategy is a global commitment to the environment. Brand manager Kate Blazey said: "In two years it has become one of the top 100 grocery brands in the UK through a combination of product quality and investment. "This year we are reaching a wider audience by doubling our media spend." The company is spending £500,000 on national advertising in the UK. Cinema advertising runs from now until the end of the year and in November there is advertising in the regional press and London underground. This is targeted at upmarket 25 to 45 year olds. It features images of the wetland habitat restored by Banrock Station that surrounds its vineyards in Australia. It explains the partnership between the wine and the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. Blazey said: "The brand is making a donation to WWT for every bottle sold in the UK as part of a global environmental strategy linked with wetland conservation projects in every country where it is sold." So far it has supported projects in this country, the US, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Holland, Australia and New Zealand. A spokesman for BRL Hardy said: "The biggest challenge is to convince consumers that the environmental aspect of this is not just marketing but part of a fundamental belief of the company. "We believe the better we look after the land in which we grow our fruit the better our fruit will be." Blazey said: "The London regional poster advertising will specifically promote the new WWT centre in Barnes and local WWT centres will be highlighted in the regional newspapers to bring our partnership to life by making WWT more accessible." The ads will show the new diamond label packaging on the bottles and the new Colombard Chardonnay twin varietal which will join the three litre wine box range. {{DRINKS }}