Hardys has launched a £300,000 media campaign to promote its wines through the national press, outdoor posters and at Underground stations. The 10-week drive aims to highlight the success of Hardys Nottage Hill Chardonnay 2001 at the International Wine Challenge, where it was named the great value white wine of the year.

whisky launch
Glenfiddich has released a Caoran Reserve 12-year-old single malt Scotch whisky which promises to be "a peaty addition to the world's favourite dram". Priced at £24.99 it is available in off licence chains. First Drinks Brands, distributor of Glenfiddich in the UK, said consumers want to experiment with new tastes but with a brand name that they know is authentic.

Holsten promo
Holsten is running a "Love it or your money back" promotion on its Fusion brand. Every bottle of the beer will carry the pledge, which will appear in store from the end of October. The company says it is delighted with sales of the beer, which is blended with fruit flavours. Launched three months ago Holsten Fusion is positioned as an alternative to PPS's and PPL's.

fine wine range
Kingsland Wines has introduced new varieties to its Southern Star range of New World wines. The additions from the 2001 harvest include an Australian Merlot Petit Verdot and a Chardonnay Sauvignon Blanc from South Africa, both priced at £4.99.

Oddbins off top
Booths has knocked Oddbins off the top spot in wine retailing by winning the award for overall wine merchant of the year at this year's International Wine Challenge. The family-run chain is based in Preston.