Comedian Harry Hill will launch a Fairtrade nut range this autumn.

Hill has joined forces with Fairtrade nut company Liberation to develop the brand, Harry’s Nuts, which will hit shelves in September.

The first to market will be a salted peanut bagged snack, rsp 59p per 50g pack. Fairtrade dry roasted and Fairtrade honey roasted nuts are also in development.

None of the money generated by the venture will be pocketed by the comedian but will instead be returned to the African and Latin American farmers who grow the nuts.

“I love salted peanuts myself and feel I am doing a service to snackers everywhere who want to know that the farmers who grew what they are eating have been paid a fair price,” said Hill.

Liberation is part financed by Comic Relief and is a sister brand to Fairtrade labels Café Direct and Divine Chocolate.