Beam Wine Estates has launched the first addition to its sherry portfolio in nine years.

Harveys Fino, priced at £7.79, completes the Harveys sherry range of amontillado, pale cream, cream and premium styles. It will be sold in Tesco and independent stores.

Fino is a lighter style of sherry, pale and dry, and traditionally drunk as a chilled aperitif.

The packaging has been designed with the intention of revitalising the sherry category and it signals a departure from the traditional style of labelling for this category, according to the company. Marketing director Drew Munro said: "Harveys has the highest awareness of any sherry in the UK and we are confident that the addition of Harveys Fino will recruit a group of new consumers to the Harveys portfolio and the category overall."

Harveys Bristol Cream is the brand leader in the sherry category with 29% market share by volume and a 30% share by value in the off-trade, according to ACNielsen [MAT to w/e February 25, 2006].