Health news – Page 115

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    "It's still a lot easier to put the blame on food manufacturers than to make people get off their lazy, fat derrières"


    In the past six months the government has finally started to widen the remit of public health minister Caroline Flint, so that exercise as well as diet is considered in the ongoing obesity obsession. Two years on from the government White Paper,...

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    Check up for small shops


    What could be more logical? Families from disadvantaged communities need more help choosing a healthy diet, ergo small stores serving such communities are the salve for the country's obesity crisis. Get them to stock more salads and council...

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    Is mass CBT the cure for obesity?


    Last week, bronchitic, I went to my doctor. He also weighed and measured me, discussed my diet, alcohol intake and lifestyle. Impressive. All was entered into the database. The next day, the government announced that the UK's obesity rates are...

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    Dairy UK 'has clout over the key issues'


    On its second anniversary, Dairy UK has been hailed as an increasingly effective and respected organisation by chairman David Curry. The dairy industry body has confronted issues including salt, traffic-light labelling, child obesity and...

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    Charles provokes fury over salmon


    Scottish salmon farmers are said to be furious that Prince Charles' famous Duchy Originals brand is importing Alaskan salmon for smoking in Scotland.The Prince's decision to source wild Marine Stewardship Council-accre-dited salmon from...

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    The cuttings


    It was back to school for thousands of children - but not back to school dinners as they knew them last term. Turkey twizzlers and fizzy drinks are now off the menu as the government's drive to tackle childhood obesity by improving standards in...

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    "Convenience is bigger than organic, fair trade, premium. Perhaps that will be the next target for the health police"


    Sanity at last. This week's Foresight report on the obesity epidemic included some pretty scary numbers. But underscoring its predictions was the reasoned opinion that our biology is out of synch with our environment: that automation, public...

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    the hutton inquiry


    The Grocer asks: The government made it clear in its White Paper that the FSA needed to work together with the industry to tackle obesity. Do you accept that this hasn't happened? The FSA response: That's not true. When we set out to...

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    The blame game in the obesity debate


    from Simon Melville, joint MD of advertising company Gasoline. Sir; Once again the messenger is in the firing line. I refer, of course, to Ofcom's proposals to restrict food advertising to children ('The battle of the bulge', The...

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    Health puts the fizz into NPD


    Consumer fears over sugar and sweeteners are prompting new product development and reformulations. Soft drinks have been lambasted for rotting children's teeth, causing hyperactivity and obesity - although presumably not at the same...

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    The battle of the bulge


    Tensions simmered over in the obesity debate at this week's Westminster Diet & Health Forum. Liz Hamson reports The National Consumer Council launched a stinging attack on the Food and Drink Federation at the Westminster Diet &...

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    Crunch time for PepsiCo


    PepsiCo was still licking its wounds this time last year, after £30m was wiped off the value of its flagship snack brand, thanks to increased scrutiny of the whole category in the wake of the obesity debate. The story this year couldn't be more...

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    obesity on your bike say the tories


    Nanny-statism, a heavy-handed approach to food manufacturers, a lack of joined-up thinking between government departments and little or no consensus between the industry and the authorities. This is how obesity is being tackled by the Labour...

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    Conservatives Labour


    When was the idea of an 'obesity strategy' first floated? July 2006 via the WGRBPrimary strategy to solve obesity? Combination of shared responsibility among multi-stakeholders, more exerciseWhich department(s) will tackle the...

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    The Saturday Essay: GDA labels are the way to go


    GDA labels are the way to go, says Tony Palmer, Managing Director, Kellogg UK. Obesity is a complex problem with many causes and any solution needs partnership between many different organisations - both public and private. That is why Kellogg, Kraft, Nestlé and PepsiCo have agreed to take a common ...

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    Do you think I'm stupid?


    If you are to believe the messages from Ofcom and the FSA, you would think the child in this picture doesn't know the nutritional difference between an apple and a chocolate cake.Rising levels of childhood obesity have been blamed,...

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    Counterfeiting: the smoking gun


    Smuggling is being overtaken by a bigger problem for tobacco suppliers and retailers, says Sonya HookLet's face it. If a smoker is offered a packet of his favourite brand of cigarettes for £2 less than its usual cost, he'll go for...

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    Tobacco reps warned of redundancies


    Contract employees of Imperial Tobacco have been advised that at least 40 of them will be made redundant by April 1 due to a reduction in workload by the tobacco giant.The move, which comes ahead of next summer's smoking ban in...

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    Laugh? I’ve change from a fiver!


    The tobacco industry struggles with smoking bans, advertising constraints and government duties, but low-priced and roll-your-own cigarettes are lighting the way, says Sonya HookThe tobacco market in the UK is far from smoking. And...

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    Will smoking habits ape the Irish blueprint?


    To predict consumption patterns in England following the ban, tobacco producers are looking to Ireland for lessons learnedSmoking in public places has been a constant topic of discussion for UK politicians over the past few years,...