Health news – Page 116

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    The Saturday Essay


    >>physical activity should be accessible to all children. Justin King, CEO of SainsburyThe childhood obesity debate continues to rage on. In the grocery industry, we’re used to people thinking that diet is fundamentally the...

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    higher Smoking age would hit retailers


    from David Rae, chief executive, ACSSir; As MPs consider an amendment to allow the government to increase the legal age for buying tobacco to 18, we are concerned that retailers and shop staff could face abuse if they have to police...

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    Super size or downsize?


    Despite rising obesity levels, fewer consumers admit to being on a diet. Yet the low-calorie market is growing. Helen Gregory reportsMore shoppers are going ‘super size’ – not just choosing mega-packs of fattening food and drink, but...

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    United to slash fat in crisps


    United Biscuits is slashing the saturated fat content of its Hula Hoops and Skips brands in its biggest ever health initiative, in response to growing attention to the snacking category’s contribution to rising obesity levels.From...

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    Just can’t get enough


    Obesity is a growing problem, but people are taking responsibility for themselves rather than blaming the industry, says Siân HarringtonChocolate, biscuits and crisps are not to blame for increasing levels of obesity, research...

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    Just can’t get enough


    Obesity is a growing problem, but people are taking responsibility for themselves rather than blaming the industry, says Siân HarringtonChocolate, biscuits and crisps are not to blame for increasing levels of obesity, research...

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    Baby, you don’t have to give it up


    Maintaining flavour, manufacturers keep health-conscious consumers sweetMedia coverage about obesity and the constant barrage of diet books is certainly having an impact on cake and biscuit lovers, but not because they’re opting for...

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    We’ve chosen health


    The food and drink industry has responded to government concerns about obesity and health with a multi-million pound investment in innovation and the reformulation of some of the biggest brand names. A survey of 20 of the UK’s leading food and...

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    Why public health campaigns are a fat lot of good


    The food and drink industry is being asked to fund an anti-obesity campaign. Will it do any good or will it just be money down the drain? asks Siân HarringtonImagine Toyota and Ford being told to fund a public campaign to promote the...

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    Health chief calls for cut in cheap cigarette imports


    A quarter of cigarettes smoked in England and Wales and 75% of roll-ups avoid tax and duties, according to chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson.He said that the policy of raising prices to deter smoking was failing because of illegal...

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    Parents indulge kids


    One in three parents takes little interest in their children’s eating habits, according to a report on childhood obesity by Mintel.Only 54% of parents said they attempted to educate their children about healthy eating, and just 51% said they...

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    Soft drinks fight back


    Manufacturers hope to reverse the damaging effects of publicity linking carbonated drinks and obesity through a new information campaign.The British Soft Drinks Association (BSDA), which counts Coca-Cola, Britvic and Pepsi among its members, is...

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    Smoke ban benefits off -trade


    Changes in drinking habits in the Irish Republic could spill over into the UK if the proposed smoking ban in pubs goes ahead, according to the latest statistics from the industry.A 13% increase in off-licence sales in Ireland in the past 12...

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    The Saturday Essay


    >>sugar is driving the obesity epidemic says Patrick Holford, founder of the Institute for Optimum NutritionAs George Bernard Shaw said: “Everyone complains about the weather but nobody does anything!” So, what are we going to...

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    Tax cuts will not reduce smuggling


    from Amanda Sandford, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)suppliers must blaze a new csr trailfrom Nicky Amos, CSR director, Corporate CultureSir; Audrey Wales of the tobacco-front group Retailers against...

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    Red card for traffic lights


    Leading nutritionists have joined industry critics in questioning whether the Public Health White Paper can help to halt obesity, reports Siân HarringtonFood and drink retailers and manufacturers will finally discover next month what...

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    >> new research says government was wrong on childhood obesity>>THE ISSUES THAT MATTER, FROM THE PEOPLE INVOLVEDAnd now for the backlash? After spending much of last year reporting how the health debate was...

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    Festive salmon sales a-leaping


    Suppliers are hailing brisk demand for salmon, especially premium lines, as the Christmas period approaches.Sales are particularly strong for smaller gutted fish used for smoking and for the fresh portion market.Allan Miller, sales...

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    Labelling may not reduce obesity, says dietician


    New labelling systems may prove to be a waste of time in helping to reduce obesity, delegates at the Westminster Diet & Health Forum seminar heard this week.Consultant dietician Angie Jefferson, who has worked in both the NHS and commercial...

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    Debate with a European consensus


    UK, French and German consumers are as one when it comes to the causes of the obesity crisis – but views vary on the solutions. Julian Hunt reports on exclusive new research for The GrocerEuropean food cultures may vary wildly as you...