All Health articles – Page 141

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    Changing the menu


    Now that Yo! Sushi has become the first restaurant to adopt traffic-light labelling, the FSA is hoping other restaurants will follow suit. The FSA's line of argument is that if the nation really wants to address the obesity agenda, it is...

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    'Dawn will stub us out'


    Government proposals to force cigarettes under the counter will have little effect on underage smoking and force retailers out of business.That was the message emerging from manufacturers, retailers and wholesalers. Legal team and...

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    What the papers said - 29th March 2008


    Banning cigarette displays in shops to discourage people from smoking could backfire by glamourising tobacco among the young, the Daily Mail said. The Federation of Small Businesses described the proposals to force tobacco under the counter and...

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    We ask... How has the smoking ban affected sales?


    Reviewing margins Cash & carry operator ? After the ban came in, the initial falls were as predicted. However, suppliers had also predicted a relatively quick recovery, which has not yet materialised. As such, we have asked...

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    How has the smoking ban affected sales? - Reader Survey


    Source: Email poll of wholesalers Wholesalers have been left frustrated by a lack of support from big tobacco suppliers following a larger-than-predicted fall in sales after the introduction of the ban on smoking in public places across the UK. Two...

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    Reader survey - tobacco sales


    Wholesalers have been left frustrated by a lack of support from big tobacco suppliers following a larger-than-predicted fall in sales after the introduction of the ban on smoking in public places across the UK.Two thirds of the wholesalers...

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    Suppliers expect levelling out after ban hits sales of tobacco


    The decline in sales of tobacco following last summer's ban on smoking in public paces is accelerating, new figures show.In the 12 months to the end of January 2008, the number of sticks sold fell almost 4% to 47 billion, according...

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    Government urged to work more closely with retailers


    Strategies to combat obesity, waste and climate change are doomed to fail unless government can work with big supermarket chains, claims a leading policy think tank.In Green, Healthy and Fair, a report published today (Saturday), the...

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    Only idiots need food labels - and they don't want them


    Food labels alone will do nothing to stop the obesity crisis - people just need to stop making excuses for not eating a balanced diet Ihave disliked John Humphrys for years - ever since he hosted an event for the National Federation of...

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    The Big Eat: digesting the new plans to tackle obesity


    Alan Johnson summed it up: "The problem is simple: we eat too much and we do too little exercise," said the secretary of state at the Department of Health. "The solution is more complex. From the nature of the food we eat, to the way our...

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    Dairy industry urged to join obesity debate


    Dairy products have a key role to play in weight loss, but this needs to be better communicated to consumers, delegates at a dairy industry obesity conference were told this week.The industry needed to make the public aware dairy was...

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    Industry urges Johnson not to assume clear-cut winner


    Supporters of front-of-pack GDAs have urged the government to exercise caution in its bid to make the food industry adopt a single system of nutrition labelling.At the unveiling of the Department of Health's obesity strategy report -...

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    Government to unveil obesity strategy


    Health secretary Alan Johnson is expected to unveil the government's long-awaited obesity strategy later today, with food labelling expected to feature highly.Retailers and manufacturers currently use a combination of front-of-pack traffic...

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    Does obesity carry too much weight?


    Is the supposed obesity epidemic in danger of overshadowing genuinely weighty issues such as climate change and food security? This is the question many food and drink experts are asking in the wake of obesity-focused media coverage...

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    Thick bread. It's a disgrace


    Pssst. Do you want to know the real cause of obesity? It's nothing to do with people gorging themselves on sweets and fizzy drinks, or eating Big Macs, apparently, but rather the curse of the thick-cut sliced sarnie.This revelation was...

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    Lords' pre-9pm ad ban call is jumping the gun says DH


    The government has distanced itself from a call by the Department of Health's chief whip to introduce a pre-9pm ban on the advertising of junk food.In a House of Lords debate on obesity, Baroness Royall of Blaisdon was asked by...

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    Carrier bags at dawn


    We've had a smoking ban, a ban on junk food ads for kids and now retailers are facing the prospect of a ban on the humble plastic carrier bag.Despite the raft of green initiatives launched by the supermarkets, it is the throwaway bag...

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    Obesity: industry braced for tough government measures


    The government is planning to make a major announcement on how it is to tackle the rising rate of obesity in the UK, The Grocer has learned.It is gearing up to respond to the Foresight report, which claimed 50% of the British population...

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    Healthy eating badge to help tackle obesity


    Alongside basic aviation skills and street sports, Britain's youngest members of the Scout and Guide movement will soon be able to get a badge for healthy eating, The Grocer has learned.The course is being developed by the Eat in Colour...

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    Super-abundant choice is insane


    Excessive food supply creates social, medical and environmental problems. It's time to end the culture of far too much choiceThe Foresight report on obesity published last month should end the yah-boo debates about whether rising obesity...