All Health articles – Page 142

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    Freeman defends his findings from centre of storm


    The Grocer So. No mention of a smoking gun. What happened to those 11 million emails you were supposed to be examining during the last months of your inquiry? Did they turn into a damp squib then? Peter Freeman The background was the...

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    Obesity - is the industry sleepwalking into a crisis?


    To turn around the public debate about the looming obesity crisis, the food industry needs to be more consistent and display confidence The government has said the threat of obesity is as bad as climate change. Much of the newspaper...

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    A green light for the best of both worlds?


    W hich way do you swing? Traffic lights? GDAs? Or a bit of both? A poll of GPs and healthcare workers at a National Obesity Forum conference last week found 71% of them preferred traffic lights over GDAs. The survey is the latest in a...

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    Childhood obesity warning considered


    Parents could be sent an official warning if their children are obese under plans being considered by the government.All children are weighed at five and 10 years old as part of the National Child Measurement Programme. Parents can currently...

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    young, fit and boxing clever


    Depending on which way you look at it, it's either been a good year for Cadbury's brands - or a disastrous one. Rocked by the salmonella incident and the demonisation of HFSS foods by the obesity police, Dairy Milk has seen its brand...

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    Fat get fatter, thin stay thin, claims new obesity research


    The food industry has come under fire for contributing to the nation's bulging waistline once again, but a new study has challenged the assumption that food is chiefly to blame for obesity. People have a genetic susceptibility to weight...

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    Has the IndustrY done Enough?


    HG Wells once described advertising as legalised lying. It's a view that lobby groups against the food and drink industry share. It tricks kids into eating sugary, salty, fatty foods, they say, and has caused an obesity crisis....

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    Grocers fuming over smoking law delays


    A failure by the Scottish Executive to publicise an increase in the legal smoking age to 18 will put shop workers at risk, according to the Scottish Grocers' Federation. The change was proposed on 1 January by then Labour/Lib Dem...

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    The NPM is 'little better than a crude calorie count'


    As the FSA began the process of reviewing its controversial Nutrient Profiling Model this week, it was on the receiving end of more criticism. Dr Adam Drewnowski, a leading nutritionist and expert in obesity, published a peer-reviewed...

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    Smoke or mirrors in retrospective inquiry?


    As the Competition Commission prepares to wade through an estimated 11 million emails, and thousands of phone calls, from Asda and Tesco and its suppliers, the inquiry appeared this week to have reached a pivotal moment. Has it found the smoking gun...

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    Smoking rebel host voted out of pubwatch


    Hamish Howitt, who has been allowing smoking at his Happy Scots Bar in Blackpool, has received a vote of no confidence from the pubwatch group he chaired.The vote was taken by members of Blackpool & Fylde Pubwatch shortly after...

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    THE GUV'NOR Peter Gatling


    Following the advent of the smoking ban, the subject of food is on every licensee's lips. I have been in many pubs in my time - some that serve good food and many that do not. It is, therefore, time for us all to take stock of what we put ...

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    Smoke-ban plans frustrated


    While it is still too early to assess the overall effect of the smoking ban, there are indications of frustration, even among non-smoking licensees, that their honest attempts to cater for their customers are being blocked, for no good...

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    Suzie DrejaRoyal OakSouthamptonHampshireYes and yes! They've both been extremely negative. I think the weather has made people stay at home, and the smoking ban makes people spend less time at the pub - people get...

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    Poll: smoking ban has negative effect


    Six out of 10 licensees say the smoking ban has had a negative effect on business, according to an online poll.The poll, run by property agent Fleurets, asked: "What effect has the smoking ban had on your business - positive or...

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    Smoking ban wears thin


    An unexpected side effect of the ban on smoking in pubs is arising from the break-out of "the Wigan Traipse" - and now staff in a number of the town's bars are asking customers to pick up their feet.Smokers are clocking up around 250...

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    Wholesalers say... smoking ban won't hit profits


    'Impact is negligible' Buying group?We are not unduly worried by the smoking ban in England and this is mainly based on the experience of our Scottish wholesalers. In Scotland, sales to traditional CTNs suffered a decline as...

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    Wholesalers say smoking ban won't hit profits - Reader Survey


    Source: Email poll of wholesalers The UK's leading wholesalers are not worried about the impact of the workplace smoking ban introduced in England on 1 July, according to the results of our latest email poll. Eighty-eight per cent of respondents say...

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    Reader survey - smoking ban


    The UK's leading wholesalers are not worried about the impact of the workplace smoking ban introduced in England on 1 July, according to the results of our latest email poll.Eighty-eight per cent of respondents say they are not concerned...

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    Signs of the times rake in the dough


    The introduction of the smoking ban in England last Sunday proved manna from heaven for Rainbow Safety, a manufacturer of No Smoking signs.The Wolverhampton-based company says orders have swelled from 500 a month to 8,500 as businesses...