All Health articles – Page 149

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    The Saturday Essay


    >>An industry mantra that smacks of Ratner…Tim Lang, Professor of Food Policy, City UniversityBit by bit, the enormity of the obesity problem is being realised in Britain. Last week retailers, including Tesco and Asda, were up...

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    The Saturday Essay


    >>we won’t beat childhood obesity by demonising certain foods says FDF DIRECTOR GENERAL sylvia jayThe Food and Drink Federation has been playing a part in a new soap opera – Consultation Street. Over the past few weeks and...

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    The Saturday Essay


    >>Tim Lord, chief executive of the tobacco manufacturers association, argues against a smoking banAbout 30% of people over the age of 16 are regular smokers, mostly of cigarettes. Some would have us believe that the 70% who are ...

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    Suck with Natalie


    While the grocery industry is immersed in Safeway, obesity and the GM debate, the folk at Tesco's press office had something more important to discuss at their summer party in London last week: Tim Tams. The retailer has begun stocking...

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    It is a historic step. For the first time the entire food ch


    The health of the nation is rapidly moving up the government's agenda and, if pressure groups and media reports are to be believed, the food and drink industry is responsible for increasing obesity, heart attacks, cancer, diabetes and pressure on...

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    It is a historic step. For the first time the entire food ch


    The health of the nation is rapidly moving up the government's agenda and, if pressure groups and media reports are to be believed, the food and drink industry is responsible for increasing obesity, heart attacks, cancer, diabetes and pressure on...

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    These sald days


    With obesity in the headlines, the growth potential of salads is being flagged up by The Greenery, says Ed Beddington. Salads are bursting with potential, and The Greenery UK has moved to set the agenda for tapping into that with the UK's first...

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    Obesity: suppliers not to blame


    Elaine Watson Food manufacturers need to label the fat, sugar and salt content of their products more clearly but should not carry the can for rising obesity levels, claimed young managers polled for our Reader Panel this week. A whopping...

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    Kraft to tackle obesity


    Kraft Foods plans fight obesity and stave off lawsuits through new marketing practices and guidelines to cap portion sizes of single serve packages. Kraft Foods, with brands such as cheese snacks Dairylea Dunkables, Toblerone chocolate and...

  • News

    It is time to stop debating what the impact of diet is on he


    Added to this, more than half of women and about two-thirds of men in England are either overweight or obese. But the most shocking development is the rise in childhood obesity which has doubled since 1982 and, associated with this, the...

  • News



    no smoking wheels n Smoking cessation aid NiQuitin CQ is moving into tobacco-dominated territory with a deal to sponsor the BMW Williams F1 motor-racing team. n Brand owner GlaxoSmithKline has signed a year-long deal, believed to be...

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    Sir; The Wholesale Confectionery & Tobacco Alliance


    As chief executive of WCTA I am angered that once again small businesses involved in the tobacco trade are being penalised by this high tax government. Tax increases have been proved to be a totally ineffective way of reducing smoking levels....

  • News

    Health is clearly becoming the hot topic of 2003


    Suppliers are taking the flak for levels of salt, fat and sugar in foods, for aiming advertising at children and for lack of information on labels and on allergens. In November last year international obesity taskforce president Professor...

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    call for action, not red herrings


    from Lionel Stanbrook, director, Food Advertising Unit Sir; Obesity is of growing concern and the food industry agrees that it is an issue that needs to be tackled. However, the Saturday Essay by Annie Seeley of the Food Commission (15 February...

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    Patching up the damage


    Four million people will attempt to quit smoking on January 1 and many will turn to replacement therapy According to Quit, the charity founded to help smokers give up their habit, more and more people have turned to nicotine replacement products...

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    Jewell and Bischoff will retire from BAT


    Two top executives at British American Tobacco are to retire. They are operations director John Jewell and director of smoking tobacco and cigars Chris Bischoff. Bischoff will step down from his post at the end of February. His responsibilities...

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    Quitters bring rich pickings


    Allergy relief products and aids to stop smoking have really taken off Two markets are emerging as potential cash cows for grocery ­ nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and hayfever and allergy products. Now licensed GSL, NRT is enjoying...

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    ADs body raps GSK


    An advertising watchdog has upheld a complaint against GlaxoSmithKline for claiming that its NiQuitin CQ Lozenges could triple' the chances of quitting smoking. The Advertising Standards Authority ruled that GSK could not substantiate the claim,...

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    The Fats Of Life


    Grocers are being urged to help fight the rise in obesity. But to what extent is it their job? Helen Gregory reportsDo supermarkets welcome their portly customers with open arms ­ happy in the knowledge that they'll pile their trollies high ­...

  • News

    Bic could seriously damage tobacco sales


    For all those retailers worried about the declining popularity of smoking, The Mirror may have flagged up the next big sales opportunity. It reported on an office worker who is undergoing hypnotism in an attempt to stop him munching through 50...