Another study of children's attitudes to food has exploded the myth that they don't act on healthy eating advice.
A survey of 1,100 secondary school pupils by Childwise found that 65% were changing their diets to eat more fruit.
Sixty-two per cent said they were drinking more water, 57% were eating more vegetables and more than half were cutting down on crisps and fizzy drinks. Childwise found similar trends among primary pupils.
The results back up those of a study for The Grocer's Weigh It Up! campaign (The Grocer, 31 March p34), which found 65% of 11 to 20-year-olds were eating more fruit, 53% were eating more veg, and 58% were drinking fewer fizzy drinks. It contradicts research by Children's Commissioner Albert Aynsley-Green, which claimed kids struggled to make sensible decisions about food.
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