All HFSS articles – Page 45

  • News

    Two years needed to assess Nutrient Profiling insists FSA


    The Food Standards Agency has defended its timetable for the review of its Nutrient Profiling Model, which underpins Ofcom's ban on advertising HFSS (high fat, salt and sugar) products to children.The review's tw0-year timescale came...

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    Food companies shun Olympics sponsorship


    Ofcom's ban on advertising high fat, salt and sugar foods to children - and fears that the rules could become even stricter in the future - are discouraging grocery companies from sponsoring the London Olympics, it has been...

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    FLint: balance, Portion Size, knowledge


    As you know, we have been campaigning against the Nutrient Profiling Model. What is your view? We recognise the limitations [of the model]. We said all along we'd review it after a year and we are doing that. We are happy to be...

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    Trump that! A fun new way to teachkids about healthy food


    Six schoolchildren are sitting in a circle playing cards. It appears to be an ordinary playground game of Top Trumps, but a closer look shows they are not comparing stats on tanks, aircrafts, or dinosaurs. Not even popular film celebrities. It's...

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    Children wise up to health


    It seems that the Jamie Oliver generation is taking the health message on board. As a result, it is not just mothers who are telling children to drink more nutritionally sound products - the children are asking for them.Claire Witt,...

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    A brand evolution that is meaningless


    Sir; There are a number of commercial reasons why a company chooses to rebrand: to herald a move away from the old way of doing things; to update the image; to foster a particular attribute, et al. However, no reason is mutually...

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    Cheese image threat


    The government and its "renegade agencies without portfolio" are a bigger barrier to the future growth of the British cheese market than international competition, and have damaged the image of cheese, according to a Dairy UK survey out next week....

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    Letter of the week - Hope of a better model from EU


    I am writing in relation to Weigh It Up! This is obviously a subject dear to Kellogg's heart as the FSA model categorises the majority of our products as HFSS (high fat salt sugar). Ironic when breakfast cereals have been scientifically and...

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    Tories back The Grocer


    The Conservative Party has thrown its weight behind The Grocer's Weigh It Up! campaign - calling for an immediate review of the Food Standards Agency's controversial Nutrient Profiling Model. Speaking exclusively to The Grocer, Tory...

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    The Challenge - Attracting adults to the milk category


    The soft drinks category is full of 'me too' brands all competing with slightly different USPs, but For Goodness Shakes! stands alone as being the only milk-based sports drink for men. The company's main rivals - Yop, Frijj, Yazoo and Nesquik - all...

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    "Tesco's announcement that it would pay farmers up to an extra 5p a litre was a PR masterstroke"


    As our Weigh It Up! campaign hit a new high point this week, with a pledge by the Conservative Party to back our calls for a review of the Nutrient Profiling Model, I thought I ought to talk about something else for a change. So let's look at ...

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    The Hutton inquiry


    Why has the FSA developed a Nutrient Profiling Model that allows chips, chicken nuggets and diet soft drinks to be advertised to children and not honey, cheese, raisins or cereals? Here's what Dame Deirdre Hutton had to say. The Grocer asks:...

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    The thin edge of the wedge


    So, the deed is done. From 1 April, Ofcom's clampdown on junk food advertising to children under 16 is a legislative reality. But is this the end of the food and drink industry's woes? Is this as bad as it's going to get? Not likely. For...

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    Tobacco, alcohol ... and food


    Take a look at the product labels in our picture. Would you want these harmless foods that our kids have loved for generations to be treated in the same way as cigarettes and alcohol? No, we thought not. However, if the FSA and Ofcom continue to...

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    Fury as teens get pulled in


    Food and drink suppliers have reacted angrily to Ofcom's refusal to bend on its tough stance on a ban on advertising high fat, salt and sugar products to kids.Ofcom has rubber-stamped a proposal to extend the ban from the under-nines to the...

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    Ofcom confirms HFSS advertising ban


    Ofcom has confirmed it will ban the advertising of food and drink high in fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) in all programmes aimed at children under the age of 16.Releasing its final statement on the restrictions of food and drink advertising to...

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    Meet the New Mr Bean


    Heinz is still big into beans. That much is clear when you visit its head office in Hayes and are confronted by two ­startlingly life-sized - as in human-sized - beans flanking a giant tin of the tea-time favourite . But times are...

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    Get a sense of proportion!


    Everyone loves a scapegoat. The government and the British public are so busy blaming someone else for rising obesity they seem to have forgotten their own part in it all. Successive governments until recently have all but ignored sport as part of...

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    Big hitters vow support


    Food writers, chefs, nutritionists, wholesalers and healthy food manufacturers have all voiced their support for The Grocer's Weigh it Up! campaign, which gathered momentum this week. The campaign, which calls on Ofcom to abandon its use of...

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    Buyer Survey


    Buyers love getting their hands on a new product and, despite the many thousands of SKUs out there, there's always room on the shelf for genuinely innovative products. Yet the time and expense needed for research & development means buyers are...