All HFSS articles – Page 46

  • News

    Britvic gearing up for child health challenge


    Britvic is bringing out new juices under its Robinsons and Fruit Shoot umbrellas in a bid to boost the brands' health credentials and avoid the looming ban on advertising to children. A range of Robinsons Smooth Juice will appear on...

  • News

    Buyer survey - NPD


    Buyers love getting their hands on a new product and despite the many thousands of SKUs out there, there's always room on shelf for genuinely innovative products. Yet the time and expense needed for R&D means that buyers are often likely to...

  • News

    Are there lights at the end of the tunnel?


    What a mess! Over the last fortnight, the press has been awash with stories about the labelling "war" between the FSA's government-endorsed traffic-light labelling scheme and the FDF's front-of-pack GDAs. Whether the two camps really are...

  • News

    Ofcom delays ad ban to review objections


    Ofcom has delayed the implementation of its ban on advertising high fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) foods to children, while big manufacturers have lodged objections to proposals to extend its reach. The new rules that prevent advertising of...

  • News

    Ads for kids are dead. Long live ads for kids


    Ofcom's verdict is in. And the race is now on for food and drink companies to find alternative ways to market their products to kids. The internet; non broadcast media such as direct mail, print and on-pack promotions; in-store marketing...

  • News

    Junk food ad restrictions for under-16s


    Ofcom has banned the advertising of food and drink high in fat, sugar and salt in all programmes aimed at children under the age of 16.Releasing its ruling on the restrictions of food and drink advertising to children this morning, it said:...

  • Comment and Opinion

    "The message is clear: let the market be policed by consumers. They can think for themselves, you know"


    At last a bit of sense in the pre-watershed 'junk food' advertising row. Ofcom asked consumers what they thought about the mooted ban on HFSS foods. Their response can be summed up in three words: DON'T PATRONISE US. Consumers, even the...

  • News

    the hutton inquiry


    The Grocer asks: The government made it clear in its White Paper that the FSA needed to work together with the industry to tackle obesity. Do you accept that this hasn't happened? The FSA response: That's not true. When we set out to...

  • News

    Scientist blasts NPM as 'crude'


    A scathing report on the FSA's Nutrient Profiling Model has concluded that the system is so crude the FSA could have achieved the same ends by simply measuring calories.In a leading peer-reviewed nutritional journal published this week,...

  • News

    The battle of the bulge


    Tensions simmered over in the obesity debate at this week's Westminster Diet & Health Forum. Liz Hamson reports The National Consumer Council launched a stinging attack on the Food and Drink Federation at the Westminster Diet &...

  • News

    obesity on your bike say the tories


    Nanny-statism, a heavy-handed approach to food manufacturers, a lack of joined-up thinking between government departments and little or no consensus between the industry and the authorities. This is how obesity is being tackled by the Labour...

  • News

    Adventures in ad-land


    Ofcom's brief on advertising to kids will come as a relief to many, say Siân Harrington and Rachel Barnes. It could have been worse. After months of prevarication, Ofcom has launched its consultation on food and drink advertising to...

  • News

    Do you think I'm stupid?


    If you are to believe the messages from Ofcom and the FSA, you would think the child in this picture doesn't know the nutritional difference between an apple and a chocolate cake.Rising levels of childhood obesity have been blamed,...