COMPANY: Debbie and Andrew&'s
PRICE: 99p for 16 sausages

Expert&'s verdict... 17/25
The raw products smell like hot dogs with an overpowering onion aroma. The meat is finely chopped to give a smooth texture. When grilled, the sausages looked more like fat twiglets - unevenly browned and lumpy in places - and had a dry, bland taste with no texture to the meat. However, this may be just what toddlers are after. At 99p they are reasonable value for a &'healthier&' product, but I didn&'t like them.
Tina Hird, trading controller, Spar
Consumer&'s verdict... 23/25
I like sausages but I am a bit fussy about them. I don&'t like them too plain or too spicy. I thought Higgledy Piggledy sausages tasted really nice, but looked a bit funny - kind of knobbly. My younger brother and I ate everything on our plates and asked for more. But Mum had gobbled the rest. I liked these sausages more than any other I&'ve tried and Mum says she is happy because they are healthier then the rest. I&'m already looking forward to my next meal of them - just hope Mum doesn&'t scoff the lot first.
Elliot Day, 5, school boy, Epsom, Surrey

Overall verdict...40/50
Mixed Nuts
Company: Dormen Foods

Aimed predominantly at the independent sector, Dormen&'s Mixed Nuts has yet to achieve listings in the multiples.
However, manufacturer Dormen Foods says sales have been buoyant in its target market.
Our buyer and consumer gave the nuts an impressive 46 points out of 50 when sampling it a year ago. The only complaint was the packaging, which the consumer said failed to do the product justice.
Interestingly, the company is revamping the packaging this month.