Blossom Hill has signed a deal to sponsor TV comedy series Will & Grace. The agreement with the Living TV channel will give the wine brand exposure on break bumpers which the brand's distributor, Percy Fox, claims will help it reach 11 million viewers each month.
Allia Rizvi, brand manager for Blossom Hill, said: "Will & Grace is a new breed of grown-up, contemporary comedy and is perfect for Blossom Hill. The break bumpers will be seen by exactly the right audience."
The new series of Will & Grace will be shown on Wednesdays and the programmes will all feature a 15-second opening credit, two five-second break bumpers, and one 10-second closing credit.
Details of the tie-up come as ACNielsen's Christmas figures show that the wine brand made it into the list of the 20 top selling drinks brands (Nov/Dec 02) at number 16.
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